Yoruba Storm information

Safety device for Storm Gods
This is a special staff used in Shango rituals to symbolize balance, preparedness and readiness for battle.
Most Gods of Thunder and Lightning are a bit crazy and impulsive – if not completely homicidal. Not Shango.
If you’re worried about being zapped by a lightning bolt, his effigy on a priest’s staff can invoke protection. Call in at the staff room if the weather looks stormy.
Oshe Facts and Figures
Name: Oshe
Pronunciation: Coming soon
Alternative names:
Gender: Male
Type: information
Area or people: Yoruba people of Nigeria and Benin
Celebration or Feast Day: Unknown at present
In charge of: Storms
Area of expertise: Storms
Good/Evil Rating: OKAY, not bad
Popularity index: 10170
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Article last revised on May 19, 2019 by the Godchecker data dwarves.
Editors: Peter J. Allen, Chas Saunders
References: Coming soon.