Yoruba Earth Goddess
Also known as Odua
The Black Goddess of the Earth
She is a beautiful earth mother figure with skin of the deepest darkest ebony. A deity who looks after women and children, she promotes love and life. However, she is certainly not soft and can become a War Goddess when absolutely necessary.
She is the primordial sister of supreme sky god Olorun (also known as OLODUMARE) and together they form an Earth-Sky bond. She seems to have something to do with the essence of life, which is probably one of those essential services like running water or electricity that a large number of people use all the time without bothering to ask where it comes from. Be grateful she has never sent you a bill.
Although accounts differ, Odudua seems to be married to Obatala. Their daughter is Yemaya, the Queen of the Orishas. Who also appears to be married to OBATALA. Clarification of this tricky conundrum gratefully received.
Godnote: ODUDUA is frequently confused with the male god and ancestral Yoruba King Oduduwa, but they appear to be completely different deities.
Odudua Facts and Figures
Name: Odudua
Pronunciation: Coming soon
Alternative names: Odua
Gender: Female
Type: Goddess
Area or people: Yoruba people of Nigeria and Benin
Celebration or Feast Day: Unknown at present
In charge of: the Earth
Area of expertise: Earth
Good/Evil Rating: Unknown at present
Popularity index: 17734
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Article last revised on May 19, 2019 by Rowan Allen.
Editors: Peter J. Allen, Chas Saunders
References: Coming soon.