A-Z List of South American Deity Names
The complete alphabetical list of South American Gods and Goddess names.
We have 62 individual gods listed in the South American pantheon of gods and spirits. Many legendary characters have more than one name. If you include nicknames, official titles and honorifics, some gods have hundreds of names! The Godchecker Holy Database currently contains 137 South American deity names — these are listed below.
This list is frequently updated — we are constantly discovering more names!
Names from South American mythology: A
Abe Mango, Aguara, Aguara-Tunpa, Aimon-Kondi, Aiomum-Kondi, Aiomun Kondi, Aluberi, Amaná, Amana, Anatina, Anatiwa, Anchimalén, Anchimalhuén, Anchimallén, Anchimayén, Ari-Coute, Ariconte, Arikute, Aroteh, Auchimalgén, Auchimalguén, Aunyaina
Names from South American mythology: B
Names from South American mythology: C
Ceuci, Ceucy, Ceuicy, Cherruves, Chia, Chía, Chibchacum, Chimalen, Chimalguén, Chiminigagua, Chimizapagua, Chonchon, Chonchonyi, Colo Colo, Colocolo, Cuchavira, Cuchaviva
Names from South American mythology: E
El Dorado, El-Lal, Eldorado, Epunamun
Names from South American mythology: G
Guallipen, Guecubu, Guecufu, Guecufü, Guineche, Guinechén, Guinechen, Guinemapun, Guirivilo, Guruvilu
Names from South American mythology: H
Huaillepenyi, Huallallo, Huallallo-Carhuincho, Huallallo-Caruincho, Huallepen, Huallipen, Huallipenyi, Huecuvas, Huecuve, Huecuvus, Huitaca, Huitaca-Chibch
Names from South American mythology: I
Names from South American mythology: J
Names from South American mythology: K
Kanasa, Kanassa, Kasagonaga, Kasogonaga, Kononatoo, Kuat, Kulimina, Kurubumany, Kururumanny, Kururumany
Names from South American mythology: M
Macunaima, Makonaima, Makunaima, Mani (2), Marerewana, Meulen, Meuler
Names from South American mythology: N
Nemquetheba, Nemterequeteba, Neuterequeteua, Ngenechen, Nguruvilu, Ngurvilu, Nirivilo, Nyami Abe
Names from South American mythology: Ñ
Names from South American mythology: O
Oculate Being, Omai, Omam, Omama, Omame, Omamë
Names from South American mythology: P
Page Abe, Pamuri Mahse, Pariacaca, Paricaca, Periboriwa, Pihuechenyi, Pilan, Pillan
Names from South American mythology: S
Sadigua, Saracura, Sigo, Sigu, Sinaa, Sugumonxe, Sugunsua
Names from South American mythology: T
Tamanduare, Tamendonar, Tamendonare, Tamondonar, Tamula, Tamusi, Timondonar, Tovapod
Names from South American mythology: U
Uaica, Uguvu Coengo, Ugúvu-Cuengo, Ugwvu-Cuengo, Ugwvucuengo, Urubutsin
Names from South American mythology: W
Names from South American mythology: X
Names from South American mythology: Y
Names from South American mythology: Z
This list of names from South American mythology compiled by the data dwarves at Godchecker.com.