The Gods and spirits of Sámi Mythology
The most popular Sámi gods
- 1st: Maderakka
- 2nd: Leib-Olmai
- 3rd: Jabmiakka
- 4th: Sarakka
- 5th: Juksakka
- 6th: Uksakka
- 7th: Biegga-olmai
- 8th: Tiermes
- 9th: Kied Kie Jubmel
- 10th: Maderatcha
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Welcome to our section on Sámi Mythology. The Sámi people live in Sápmi aka Saamiland, a cultural region spread across the furthest reaches of Finland, Norway and Sweden. (This area was formerly known as Lapland but let’s not talk about that.)
The Sámi have traditionally been a semi-nomadic people heavily into reindeer, fishing and making things out of fur. As you might expect, their Gods tend to have similar interests.
Living close to nature in a harsh and unforgiving environment, it’s good to know the Sámi have the protection of some beneficial deities.
For other Gods in the same location check out our Finnish Mythology section.
Introduction to Sámi Mythology.
Use our Godbrowser™ to explore the Gods of Sámi Mythology.
View the Sámi pantheon. Family trees coming soon!
Consult Godchecker’s complete alphabetical list of Sámi god and goddess names.
Many Gods are spread across different regions, cultures and tribes. We’ve tried to pin them down to a particular area if possible. But corrections are always welcome, especially from people with first-hand knowledge. So if you know the region and would like to comment, we’d love to hear from you. Contact us here.