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Reproduction requests and permissions

Unless otherwise stated, all material on Godchecker.com is copyright. Many websites republish material from other places. We don’t. We research and write every single word ourselves.

Of course, facts are in the public domain, but the way those facts are written and presented is not. All material on Godchecker.com is copyright. (See our copyright notice.) If you wish to use something we have created, please see below.


As a general rule, we are happy for you to quote small snippets from the Godchecker website provided you follow the rules below.

I want to use a small extract for a school project

Students! Want to use material from Godchecker in your homework, essay or project? The answer is YES. There are two rules:
You can only directly quote a maximum of 150 words per essay.
Second, you must acknowledge www.godchecker.com as the source of the quote.

That’s all! If you follow those rules, there is no need to ask us for permission. If you need more than 150 words, please see below. Don’t forget, you are free to rewrite, edit or summarize the information instead of directly quoting it.

We have now added citation and link information to each entry, so it is now much easier to use Godchecker as a reference.

I want to use a small extract on my blog or website

That’s fine provided the extract is less than 150 words and you give us link to www.godchecker.com.

If you follow those rules, there is no need to ask us for permission. If you need more than 150 words, please see below. You are welcome to edit, precis or summarize the information instead of directly quoting it. But in all cases you must link back to the Godchecker page you lifted the text from.

We have now added permalinks to each entry, so now you have no excuse.

We often find cases where someone has pasted an entire article from Godchecker into a forum or a wiki. Usually without even mentioning where it came from. While we are delighted that people want to share our work, this is technically a violation of our copyright. And also extremely bad manners. It is much better for everyone if you post a short extract and link back to the rest of the article at Godchecker.

I want to use a small extract in a book or print article

That’s fine by us, provided the extract is less than 150 words and you mention www.godchecker.com as the source. No need to ask permission. For longer extracts see below.

It’s not obligatory, but if you wish to tell us about your book or article we would certainly appreciate it. In many cases we can help to spread the word about your publication so it’s worth letting us know.


Copyright notwithstanding, you may quote small (under 150 words) extracts for your own non-commercial projects provided you credit us as the source. This is very important! Citations must include a link to https://www.godchecker.com.This applies to essays, articles, books, websites and homework. We have helpfully added a citation box to all articles to make this easy for you.

Attention authors, journalists, scriptwriters

You are welcome to quote us in your commercial projects up to a maximum of 250 words without asking for formal permission — provided you credit us as the source, mention the URL https://www.godchecker.com and tell us you have done so. (You are encouraged to send us a copy — we may review it!)

If you wish to reproduce a substantial amount of our work (over 250 words), or if you wish to reproduce images, contact us for advice. We will be happy to help you.

Last updated 10 June 2014

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