Norse Fertility Goddess
Also known as Freyja

Goddess of Love, Fertility and Sexual Desire
A feisty warrior, she’s the daughter of Njord, and the beautiful twin sister of Freyr. As a Love Goddess she is — to put it in modern vernacular — a bit of a goer.
She did marry a God called Ód, causing much confusion amongst academics and historians who have confused him with Odin leading to further confusion by confusing her with Frigg. (This is why you need Godchecker.) But Ód was a bit of a goer himself and nipped out one day for pastures new.
This caused much weeping of golden tears, but as usual Freya made the best of a bad job and really went off the rails. She ran wild with Gods, mortals, giants and dwarves.
The stories and allegations of how she gained possession of Brisingamen, the golden amber necklace of desire, are scandalous. Especially the one about her bedding four dwarves in turn before they would give it to her. But this sort of thing is just titillation. In any case, the necklace was stolen by Loki and — although it was rescued by Heimdall — we don’t think she got it back.
Being a strong-willed warrior maiden, she joined and then led the Valkyries — so that she could have first pick of the slain battlefield warriors. Most of the slain go to Valhalla, but the good-looking heroes go straight to her palace for rest and recuperation.
But Freya does have a softer side — she loves romantic music and bunches of flowers. Her daughters are the beautiful Hnoss and the equally beautiful Gersemi.
Freya Facts and Figures
Name: Freya
Pronunciation: Coming soon
Alternative names: Freyja
Gender: Female
Type: Goddess
Celebration or Feast Day: Unknown at present
In charge of: Fertility
Area of expertise: Fertility
Good/Evil Rating: Unknown at present
Popularity index: 123781
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Article last revised on September 17, 2018 by Rowan Allen.
Editors: Peter J. Allen, Chas Saunders
References: Coming soon.