Maya Storm God
Also known as Harakan, Heart Of Heaven, Heart Of Sky, Hunraqan, Hurrican, Hurukan, One-Leg, U K'ux Kaj

God of Gale Force Winds
Yes, you’ve guessed it — Huracan is the God who put hurricanes on the map. It’s not many Maya Gods who can claim their name is in common usage.
As a high-ranking Storm God and best buddy of Hunab Ku he’s obviously a very important deity indeed. In fact his portfolio includes not just stormy weather but also Creation.
Once upon a time he did a lot of life-creating, helping to produce the first few trial batches of humans. He also helped to destroy them with a Great Flood when things didn’t work out, but we’re sure no-one bears a grudge after all this time.
Not only that, he is also a bit of a closet trinity deity; he has three associated helpers – Cakulha-Huracan, Chipi-Cakulha and Raxa-Cakulha – working with him on lightning bolts and storm-related shenanigans. See also Yaluk.
As a much-revered Top God, he is often referred to as the Heart of Heaven. Oddly, he is also known as the One-Legged God – he has one human leg and one in the form of a serpent. No-one appears to know why. Sorry, perhaps we shouldn’t have mentioned it.
Huracan Facts and Figures
Name: Huracan
Pronunciation: Coming soon
Alternative names: Harakan, Heart Of Heaven, Heart Of Sky, Hunraqan, Hurrican, Hurukan, One-Leg, U K'ux Kaj
Gender: Male
Type: God
Area or people: Guatemala
Celebration or Feast Day: Unknown at present
In charge of: Storms
Area of expertise: Storms
Good/Evil Rating: Unknown at present
Popularity index: 19882
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Article last revised on April 18, 2019 by the Godchecker data dwarves.
Editors: Peter J. Allen, Chas Saunders
References: Coming soon.