Maya concept
Also known as Letter Gods
Godly ID card system for Maya deities
In the early days of archeological exploration, when glyphs and codices were still a complete mystery, no-one had a clue what the Maya gods’ names were. So for administration purposes, they were identified by letters of the alphabet.
“This is a picture of God A, and underneath is God B. Please insert God C into Slot D and connect to God E using the tool provided.”
This Godly A-to-Z was first compiled by Paul Schellhas in 1904, with various revisions appearing over the years. As more information came to light, Godologists were gradually able to work out the names of many Gods. But the A-to-Z system is still in use today, so we’ve incorporated it thus:
God A: Ah Puch
God A’: Kam
God B: Chac
God C: Xaman Ek
God CH: Xbalanque
God D: Itzamna
God E: Yum Kaax
God F: Actually three separate Gods. See God A’, God R and God Q
God G: Kinich Ahau
God H: Chiccan
God I: Ixchup
God J: Er, try Xbalanque
God K: K’awiil
God L: Votan
God M: Ek Chuah
God N: Pauahtun
God O: Ixchel
God P: Might be Pauahtun or perhaps Frog God
God Q: God Q
God R: God R
God S: Hunahpu
God T: No takers
God U: God-U-Like? Could be K’awiil
God V: Vanished?
God W: Where?
God Y: Zip
God Z: God Z
More anonymous gods can be found in our entry on Olmec Gods.
Alphabet Gods Facts and Figures
Name: Alphabet Gods
Pronunciation: Coming soon
Alternative names: Letter Gods
Gender: Male and female
Type: concept
Celebration or Feast Day: Unknown at present
Role: Unknown at present
Good/Evil Rating: Unknown at present
Popularity index: 10170
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Article last revised on April 18, 2019 by the Godchecker data dwarves.
Editors: Peter J. Allen, Chas Saunders
References: Coming soon.