The Gods of Etruscan Mythology
The most popular Etruscan gods
- 1st: Tinia
- 2nd: Alpan
- 3rd: The Lasas
- 4th: Catha
- 5th: Aplu
- 6th: Uni
- 7th: Hercle
- 8th: Summanus
- 9th: Cupra
- 10th: Aita
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In Tuscany, sandwiched between Greek and Roman dynasties, the Etruscans or Etrurians seemed to have lived life to the full, if their frescoes and artifacts are anything to go by. Which is pretty much all we can do as Etruscan remains a dead language.
So far scholars have been stymied. It looks a bit Greekish and a bit Latin — but no... On closer inspection a sort of dithyrambic rambling takes place. Although 300 or so actual words have been translated they don’t make much sense when put together. Where they came from or where they went nobody knows. (Or if they do, they haven’t told us.)
But the Romans must have happened to them at some point — as they appropriated many of their Gods. No doubt some UFO lunatic will come up with a spaceship abduction theory, but it is likely they were slowly absorbed by Roman romantics. You will have to take it on trust. Or possibly etrusc, which we feel is similar to deciphering truncated e-mails.
Introduction to Etruscan Mythology.
Use our Godbrowser™ to explore the Gods of the Etruscans.
View the Etruscan pantheon. Family trees coming soon!
Consult Godchecker’s complete alphabetical list of Etruscan god and goddess names.
REGIONS COVERED: Old Tuscany in ancient Italy, and wherever else the Etruscans wandered.
Many Gods are spread across different regions, cultures and tribes. We’ve tried to pin them down to a particular area if possible. But corrections are always welcome, especially from people with first-hand knowledge. So if you know the region and would like to comment, we’d love to hear from you. Contact us here.