Egyptian Unknown God
Egyptian God of Utter Obscurity
His name pops up in the Pyramid texts as consort — or even just a very good friend — of Tefnut. And then promptly vanishes again.
Who is he? What does he do? We, like everyone else, are stumped. The most likely theory is that he was a deity who wasn’t very popular and gradually faded into obscurity, leaving his wife to grab all the glory.
Of course it could all be a silly spelling mistake – in hieroglyphic form Tefen is almost the same as Tefnut. Ancient typographical error?
Tefen Facts and Figures
Name: Tefen
Pronunciation: Coming soon
Alternative names:
Gender: Male
Type: God
Celebration or Feast Day: Unknown at present
In charge of: Unknown
Area of expertise: Unknown
Good/Evil Rating: NEUTRAL, may not care
Popularity index: 5656
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Article last revised on November 11, 2018 by the Godchecker data dwarves.
Editors: Peter J. Allen, Chas Saunders
References: Coming soon.