Christian Saint
Also known as Peter The Apostle, Simon Peter
Patron Saint of Fishermen, Bakers, Clock Makers and Rome
The Number One Apostle.
He followed Jesus everywhere with dog-like devotion until the ‘thrice cockcrow denial’ when Christ was arrested. “Look — I was only obeying the Master — he said it would happen — and I could have been in a lot of bother for cutting that guy’s ear off.”
Some of the best known bits of the New Testament are full of Peter’s adventures and exploits — we do not feel the need to transcribe them. Suffice to say that he was impetuous, impulsive — and possibly not the sharpest knife in the drawer.
But despite his very human flaws, he was utterly loyal and steadfast. Perhaps that’s why Jesus named him ‘The Rock’ — not to be confused with anyone associated with the World Wrestling Foundation.
Being the ‘Rock’ upon which Jesus chose to build his Church upon Earth, Peter lived up to every expectation and saw the Church established on the firmest foundations.
But he still had attacks of low self-esteem. At his martyrdom, he chose to be crucified upside-down — because after that incident with the cock crowing he felt he didn’t deserve any better.
As Jesus gave him the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven, he is usually depicted as the Keeper of the Pearly Gates in scenes beloved by cartoonists. Allegedly you won’t get in without a great struggle. “It’s more than my job’s worth...” and “Your name is not in the book...” or “That’s our limit for the day/year/season...” will prove to you that The Rock takes his responsibilities to heart.
St. Peter Facts and Figures
Name: Peter
Pronunciation: Coming soon
Alternative names: Peter The Apostle, Simon Peter
Gender: Male
Type: Saint
Birth and Death Dates: ???-064
Celebration or Feast Day: Unknown at present
Role: Unknown at present
Good/Evil Rating: Unknown at present
Popularity index: 3033
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Article last revised on April 07, 2019 by the Godchecker data dwarves.
Editors: Peter J. Allen, Chas Saunders
References: Coming soon.