Christian Saint
Also known as John The Apostle, John The Evangelist
Patron Saint of Book Sellers and Painters
The ‘Disciple that Jesus loved’, and the only Apostle present at the Crucifixion.
He had lasting loyalty and survived being boiled in oil and drinking poison. His message was ‘Love one another. If you would all do that it would be enough’. If only it was that simple.
The Gospel of John is a radically different Gospel to the other three. As a first-hand witness he injected into his account many curious little snippets not found elsewhere, and reveals a fascinating mystical twist to events.
Later he upped the stakes in his sequel ‘Revelation’, which took mysticism to new and dizzying heights of surrealist symbolism. Taken literally, it appears that Heaven is a cross between Alice In Wonderland, Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds and a lecture on advanced mathematics.
John is alleged to have lived for 98 years trying to spread his message of love. Finally he made his way to Heaven in a burst of blinding light.
St. John Facts and Figures
Name: John
Pronunciation: Coming soon
Alternative names: John The Apostle, John The Evangelist
Gender: Male
Type: Saint
Birth and Death Dates: ???-30
Celebration or Feast Day: June 24th
Role: Unknown at present
Good/Evil Rating: Unknown at present
Popularity index: 3075
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Article last revised on April 07, 2019 by the Godchecker data dwarves.
Editors: Peter J. Allen, Chas Saunders
References: Coming soon.