Christian Saint
Also known as Isidorus Hispalensis
The Patron Saint of The Internet!
He was a benevolent Bishop, well-liked, well-read, and charitable to the point where there were permanent queues of poor folk outside his home.
A renowned scholar and nerd, he famously compiled his own encyclopedia using bits and pieces of ancient texts, thus preserving them for posterity.
Yes, he was categorizing the world’s knowledge fifteen hundred years before johnny-come-latelies Google and Wikipedia got into the act. For this reason he is now regarded as the Patron Saint of the Internet.
We don’t think you are allowed to call him St. Google.
St. Isidore of Seville Facts and Figures
Name: Isidore of Seville
Pronunciation: Coming soon
Alternative names: Isidorus Hispalensis
Gender: Male
Type: Saint
Birth and Death Dates: ???-606
Celebration or Feast Day: Unknown at present
Role: Unknown at present
Good/Evil Rating: Unknown at present
Popularity index: 1603
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Article last revised on April 07, 2019 by the Godchecker data dwarves.
Editors: Peter J. Allen, Chas Saunders
References: Coming soon.