Daoist Weaponry God
Also known as Chi-Tao, Chung-Li Chüan, Han Zhongli, Jidao

Immortal deity of explosions
One of the Eight Immortals, he invented weapons of mass revelation.
Fat, bald and cheery with a long beard, he was fond of dabbling with alchemy, and became a bit of a hermit to pursue the esoteric.
His peaceful pottering around came to an end when one particularly esoteric experiment caused an explosion in his dwelling. The walls shook and a large crack appeared, exposing to view a hidden container. This contained a goodly dosage of the Elixir Of Life.
Whether it was in tablet or liquid form we can’t say, but it more than compensated for the damage. Because Zhongli Quan, who it would seem would try anything once, became an Immortal.
Perhaps because of his explosive capabilities, he is also the God of Military Operations. For some reason, his emblem is a fan made of feathers. Stylish, but not, we feel, entirely relevant.
Zhongli Quan Facts and Figures
Name: Zhongli Quan
Pronunciation: Jhorng Lee Choo-arn
Alternative names: Chi-Tao, Chung-Li Chüan, Han Zhongli, Jidao
Gender: Male
Type: God
Celebration or Feast Day: Unknown at present
In charge of: Weaponry
Area of expertise: Weapons
Good/Evil Rating: NEUTRAL, may not care
Popularity index: 7970
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Article last revised on April 22, 2019 by Rowan Allen.
Editors: Peter J. Allen, Chas Saunders
References: Coming soon.