Daoist Music God 🎵
Also known as Han Hsiang-Tzu, Han Hsien-Tzu, Han Xiangzi, Qingfu

Gravity-defying immortal in charge of flutes
One of the Eight Immortals, he is the Zero-Gravity God. Han Xiangzi was a highly-educated philosopher in the company of Lu Dongbin. One day he fell out of a peach tree. What was he doing up a peach tree? If he was testing gravity, it didn’t work. He fell upwards — in contravention of Gravitational Law, Section C, Paragraph 12.
As luck would have it, the peach tree just happened to be sacred. Was it the blessed Peach Tree of Immortality, which bears fruit once every 3,000 years? If so, he was a very naughty boy for climbing it.
Grabbing at a sacred branch bestowed immediate immortality. And also equipped his flute with the power of immortality-bestwoing music. Now he hangs around with the other Eight Immortals, playing his flute and making the most profound observations. He is also the patron of the middle classes.
Han Xiangzi Facts and Figures
Name: Han Xiangzi
Pronunciation: Harn Shee-yen Dzur
Alternative names: Han Hsiang-Tzu, Han Hsien-Tzu, Han Xiangzi, Qingfu
Gender: Male
Type: God
Celebration or Feast Day: Unknown at present
Role: 🎵
In charge of: Music
Area of expertise: Music
Good/Evil Rating: GOOD, quite approachable
Popularity index: 8089
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Article last revised on April 22, 2019 by Rowan Allen.
Editors: Peter J. Allen, Chas Saunders
References: Coming soon.