Presenting the LEGO GODS!
Plastic deities for the modern world
Rowan, Godchecker’s most enthusiastic acolyte, has created a whole pantheon of new Gods made with Lego.
Details are sketchy on these Lego Gods, but they look very impressive.
We were also delighted to discover that the Lego company are currently selling a set of toys based on Oceanic Mythology. The Bionicle range features Gods, warriors, priests and demonic monsters in a complex world of fantasy legend. There are Gods of Water and Ice, Fire and Gravity... and each one has a set of Masks of Power giving them special abilities. Many of the characters’ names are taken directly from Oceanic Mythology.
Meanwhile, Rowan’s Gods seem to cover a whole range of countries and cultures, from the Incan DISPO to the Oceanic OOGABUBBA.