Xhosa and Khoikhoi Creator God
Also known as Dxui, Tsui, Tsui-//Goab
Supreme Shape-shifting Creator God
He’s the Creator God of many tribes under various names. He created the world and got it into shape.
He’s a real shape-changer. To populate the world, he transformed into every single plant and animal in turn, shedding his skin like a snake to become the next item in its turn. So, in a neat twist on Creationist Evolutionary Theory, everyone — including you — are descended from his D.N.A.
We’re also reliably informed that Tsui-goab is the Good God of Rain and Thunder. This is something of a necessity with Creator Gods. No-one takes you seriously unless you can rattle the heavens and drench people.
In Namibia, the Khoikhoi worship him as the God of Sorcerers, while the Nama people call him ‘The Good One’ as he makes the sun rise and sends rain to sustain life. He’s also known as Tsui-//Goab, those funny // marks representing a special Namibian clicking noise. We think. Our favorite of his names is Thixo, which he just happens to share with a no-nonsense brand of industrial glue.
His opposite number is the nasty Gaunab, with whom he battled furiously. There’s never a minute’s peace when you’re Supreme Deity.
Tsui-goab Facts and Figures
Name: Tsui-goab
Pronunciation: Coming soon
Alternative names: Dxui, Tsui, Tsui-//Goab
Gender: Male
Type: God
Area or people: Xhosa people of South Africa, Khoikhoi, Kalahari Bushmen, Nama of Namibia
Celebration or Feast Day: Unknown at present
In charge of: Creating
Area of expertise: Creation
Good/Evil Rating: GOOD, quite approachable
Popularity index: 11788
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Article last revised on November 03, 2018 by Rowan Allen.
Editors: Peter J. Allen, Chas Saunders
References: Coming soon.