Bantu (Banyoro) Creator God
Creator God who brought death to life
What can a God do? You banish death so that no-one needs to mourn any more, ensuring an infinite parade of joyful singing and dancing.
Then some miserable old woman refuses to join in because her dog has just snuffed it. Oh, sorry, dogs weren’t included. Does it matter?
Yes it bloody does, wails the woman. Okay, says Ruhanga through gritted teeth, if that’s what you want, I’ll make everyone equal.
You guessed it. He made humans subject to death again.
A popular deity despite the whole death thing, Ruhanga is also known as KAZOOBA and Rugaba.
Ruhanga Facts and Figures
Name: Ruhanga
Pronunciation: Coming soon
Alternative names:
Gender: Male
Type: God
Area or people: Bantu (Banyoro) from Uganda
Celebration or Feast Day: Unknown at present
In charge of: Creating
Area of expertise: Creation
Good/Evil Rating: OKAY, not bad
Popularity index: 5179
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Article last revised on November 02, 2018 by the Godchecker data dwarves.
Editors: Peter J. Allen, Chas Saunders
References: Coming soon.